

WHat is good Governance?

For centuries, Marcus Aurelius and his “Meditations” have attracted interest not only from rulers, but also from political philosophers, moral philosophers, and artists.
Based on this reception history, the Stadtmuseum Simeonstift displays high quality loans from exceptional museums all over Europe to demonstrate how artistic representations of “good governance” have changed over the course of history. When is a period of rule considered good and just and what resonance did these ideas have in art?
The exhibition at the Stadtmuseum traces this struggle for good government over eight centuries. The paintings, sculptures, caricatures, photographs and film clips shed light on this question as a fascinating constant in human history with consdirable topicality.

Trier-Centre of antiquity

Unesco World Heritage in trier

Trier fascinates everyone interested in antiquity – after all, nowhere other than here is it possible to get closer to the splendour of the Roman Empire throughout Central Europe than it is in Trier, the centre of antiquity. At the time of Marcus Aurelius Augusta Treverorum, the oldest city in Germany, experienced its first great period of prosperity. The city’s fortifications were also built at this
time and with them the “Porta Nigra”, the ancient city gate, which remains Trier’s landmark to this day.
The city impresses with its monumental Roman buildings, which are part of the UNESCO World Heritage bringing the ancient world to life. Whether day trip, weekend trip or study trip – Roman Trier offers the perfect setting for visiting the state exhibition.